Taisei Buffet

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Corn, corn, corn!

Taisei's a vegetarian. That's a premature assessment, but he definitely tends to prefer vegetables over the meat we provide him at mealtime, especially corn and broccoli. Here is proof.



3 comment(s):

Oh boy, he eats well now! Good good good! Ailing doesn't really appreciate vegetables, she likes meat more for sure. Thank goodness that she loves fruits. I need to work harder to blend the vegetables into her dish! My mother-in-law just gave me a book called"deceptively delicious-simple secrets to get your kids eating god food" by Jessica Seinfeld. Got to read it soon to get some ideas.

By Blogger Amber(怡文), at 1/07/2008 4:04 AM  

awesome pic progression with the broccoli!

By Blogger Jens, at 1/14/2008 5:02 PM  

Wow, I was just re-watching this one. It's amazing how little he seems compared to only one year later.

By Blogger Esther, at 4/14/2009 9:12 PM  

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