Taisei Buffet

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Corn, corn, corn!

Taisei's a vegetarian. That's a premature assessment, but he definitely tends to prefer vegetables over the meat we provide him at mealtime, especially corn and broccoli. Here is proof.



Phone Calls Home

Written 2007.12.12 (I could never get the video to work.)

Lately, whenever I call home, phone calls take longer than I expect. Taisei doesn't just know what the phone is for, he has to have long conversations with "Ba-ba" everytime he calls. It's really cute and I love to just sit and have conversations with him. Sometimes, it's not that convenient when I'm at work, sitting in a cube, surrounded by a bunch of other engineers, talking "baby-talk" at the top of my lungs. "Hi Baby! What did you do today? Were you a good boy?" etc. He definitely knows when I'm asking a yes/no question versus a "please explain" question because the answer is always an appropriate "Un!" for yes in Japanese, or a long and incoherent rambling of cute baby babble. Hopefully I can get a clip of it on here.

His favorite word lately is "ototo." He'll yell it over and over again. It means little brother. Wami asks him if he wants a brother or sister and the answer is always a resounding "ototo!" Maybe it's a sign of things to come. (No, that's not a hint - just speculation!)

Here's Taisei having fun: