Dinosaurs and English
Wami's fear has come true sooner than she thought. For the first time yesterday, Taisei corrected his mama's English. It occurred at bedtime, when I was away taking care of Boy Scouts. Taisei had had a big "Dinosaur-day." They read dinosaur books at the library for story time, so he checked out several dinosaur books for bedtime. Here's the conversation:Mama: "Dino-pets..." (title of the book)
Taisei: "No, mama. It's Di-no-saaaaur!"
Mama: "Ok. Di-no-so-ah, ne."
Taisei: "Mama, Di-No-saoR." (attempting to enunciate)
Probably as Taisei's English gets better and better, which will be faster than it was for me, since my parents primarily spoke Mandarin at home when I was this age, Taisei will probably give his mama a harder and harder time. Poor Mama. :) The funny thing is - so far, Taisei himself has a Japanese accent sometimes.
5 comment(s):
I laughed so hard on this one. Oh well, sooner or later, I'll be on the same boat as Wami. :(
By Amber(怡文), at 3/06/2009 5:44 AM
Ha ha, I've noticed Taisei's occasional Japanese accent. It's adorable on him. That's funny that he made a correction.
By Esther, at 3/06/2009 10:59 AM
Haha! That's funny. Is "dinosoah ne" the Japanese way to say dinosoar, or is it just the way Wami pronounced it?
By Aaron and Emily, at 3/07/2009 7:56 PM
"Dinosoah (Dinosaur in Japanese accent) ne(It means "isn't it")"
By Wami, at 3/10/2009 3:30 PM
OMG, this IS sooo funny and cute! But again, it's not so funny 'cause I know it will happen to me, too. I wanna hear Taisei's Japanglish! I know it is soo cute =) Maybe next time he sees Cole, he can teach him ;=)
By kaori, at 4/13/2009 1:24 PM
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