Taisei Buffet

Friday, September 22, 2006

Six Month Check Up

Taisei had his 6 month check up a little early because he won't be available in another week. Today, he had 3 shots - the same as last time minus the polio. Taisei was a good boy for the doctor and nurse. So far, strangers don't scare him or make him cry. In fact, to Taisei, everyone's finger is fair game for sucking. Hopefully he doesn't become too shy in the next few stages of his babyhood.

Stats: 25.75 inches (25%), 14 lbs 9 oz (10%), head circumference 42 cm. Uh oh! He's shrinking! Dr. Lindsay says there's nothing to worry about because baby growth is not actually a smooth curve and he's probably just at a slow point. I hope that's true! Plus, according to my calculations (as seen on the graph below), he's actually about 38% height . Phew! :D Mental development is right on target. Good thing they don't give you percentages for that. :)

Here were Wami's questions for the day:

Is he teething? There's a lot of drool and hard biting.
Not necessarily. We thought our son was about to teeth at 6 months because of that same reason and he teethed at 11 months. You think it hurts now? Wait until some teeth come out.

When he teeths, should we give him anything?
The teething toys should be helpful enough. If not, you can give him baby tylenol. For my family, baby orajel didn't help that much.

Should we feed him solids?
Yes, it's time to slowly get started. This is my prefered method. Introduce each item slowly and give it to him for three days before you introduce the next. Start with cereal, then veggies, then fruits and lastly meat. It's ok for him to try some of the things you're eating for dinner. Feed him the solids before you breastfeed him. If you breastfeed first, he may not want to eat. Also, due to allergy risks and other things, avoid the following four: peanut butter, milk, honey and egg whites.

He's becoming mobile - what should we do?
Here are the four rules for baby proofing the home:
1. Keep poisons and other toxic chemicals high and out of reach
2. Keep small objects that could choke out of reach
3. Prevent shocks and burns by securing electrical outlets and cords

6 comment(s):

Evan's doc was worried about his weight too cause he started leveling out in grown after 6 months. She wanted a bunch of tests done on a blood sample. But we declined becase we think it's because he was becoming a lot more active crawling and starting to stand that he was burning calories quicker. Plus, those charts are more based on caucasian babies and how often does our caucasian doctor see asian babies? Of course Evan will look slimmer, he was crawling and walking a lot sooner than the other kids.

By Blogger Beverly, at 9/22/2006 8:52 PM  

Luckily, Dr. Lindsay has been pretty laid back and easy going. I don't know if Pediatricians realize how much stress they can give parents with their "little" suggestions sometimes. You should see Dr. Lindsay - funny guy. Jeans, long white hair down to his shoulders, hippie style and a full beard. Totally my style. :)

By Blogger Jerin, at 9/25/2006 3:05 PM  

Did I tell you my doctor said Adele was in the 5th percentile at 9 months for weight, and we needed to feed her only "high calorie desserts" ? He freaked me out, I thought I was starving her. Then I realized (everyone reminds me) that her parents are small. And I try to feed her everything she loves all the time - she is a very small eater.

I also noticed that the lady who measures Adele never makes sure that her head is agaisnt the top of the chart. She almost measured her 2 inches too long on her first month visit!

I love the sucking thing. I just watched video mom took of Taisei trying to suck Adele's toes. Adele didn't like it much. When she got up to leave, Taisei whined.

Adele started SUPER drooling at 2 or 3 months. I thought teeth would come at 4 months, but it didn't come til 6. So it can be SEVERAL months of heavy drooling and biting before a tooth pops out.

By Blogger Aaron and Emily, at 9/26/2006 9:29 PM  

That's nice that Taisei likes people. Adele made everyone feel bad because she started crying at strangers at 2 months. She was like that for a LONG time. She would only go to me, Aaron, or our parents. (Although, she would also seem fine about half the time when we visited family that we hardly ever saw... like she KNEW it was family).

By Blogger Aaron and Emily, at 9/26/2006 9:31 PM  


Are you sure his head circumference is 42 inches? That's a pretty dang huge balloon head! Hee hee :)

Taisei is recently looking EXACTLY like a little Jerin, and you look so much like your dad. The Yu genes must run strong in boys. He looks very healthy and smart, too, by the way. Hope everything is going well without the fabulous Wamers. I can say from personal experience that it is fabulous to reunite and be a whole family again.

By Blogger Michelle, at 10/05/2006 12:59 PM  

Hm... maybe not 42 inches, huh? Looks like it's supposed to be centimeters? That wouldn't be the first time someone in the US decided to mix our standard units together with Metric Units, would it? (sarcasm)

By Blogger Jerin, at 10/08/2006 8:44 PM  

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