Big Brother
Taisei's just like his big brother, Hiro. Taisei communicates by panting. When he wants something, he pants. When he's scared, he pants. When he's happy, he pants. Taisei also likes to check things out the same way Hiro does - by tasting it. If he can't reach it and pull it to his mouth, then he'll lean over and lick it or put his mouth on it.Hiro still hasn't totally warmed up to new little brother yet, but he's starting to. He'll tolerate Taisei crawling towards him as fast as he can and trying to pet him. I guess the whole family's beginning to gel. ;)
I've been procastinating an update on Taisei. The truth is I can't keep track of all the new stuff that's going on. It seems like development has increased exponentially each week. Within the last two weeks, he's evolved from a happy mellow baby who can sit still to almost wildly out of control. Yes, it's probably only just the beginning of the end. He'll now lift up his arms and squirm to get out of your hands if he doesn't want to be held, arch his back and scream if he doesn't want to be in the car seat, and crawl at a furious pace to try to follow you out of the room. He loves his apple sauce, mashed carrots and green peas, but won't eat 2 bites of broccoli.
Also, we had his 9 month appointment yesterday. Wami got to the appointment early, and they took them in early, so I missed the appointment. Apparently, he's shrinking. He's only 16.5 pounds and ?? inches long. That puts him somewhere around the 5% range. But he eats a LOT, so I guess we're doing all we can. Dr. Lindsay still assures us that he's doing just fine and not to worry about it. I got to the appointment just in time to see Taisei get a flu shot and blood test. Amazingly, he didn't cry at all for either. Besides the shots, I did catch a few tidbits at the end of the appointment:
- Be extra careful to avoid sick people because baby lungs are particularly sensitive and fragile. Avoid crowded areas, including church.
- Feed him whenever you feed yourself. So three meals a day if that's what you do.
- Go ahead and let him try some of your meal, if he's interested. And I'm sure he will be.
- His episode of eczema will probably come back in an environment like Utah. Just put on the steroids again.